The process

The hunt for the good taste

The WestBrew brewery is located at Bjerggården in Mejls, right on the edge of the Wadden Sea National Park and World Natural Heritage site. Here, authentic beer is brewed from scratch.
The brewery is a registered Wadden Sea National Park Partner and several of the beer types are registered as Wadden Sea certifed products, as most of the raw materials for beer production come from the Wadden Sea region. AND IT GIVES US GREAT PRIDE AS A SMALL BREWERY TO MAKE A CERTIFIED WADDEN SEA NATIONAL PARK PRODUCT.
Every time WestBrew creates a new beer, the nature and the wonderful ingredients found in the Wadden Sea area are constantly being considered to enhance the good and unique flavour and character of our beer.

Raw materials

The industry’s regular raw materials are convenient and easy to work with when making standard uniform products that do not “SURPRISE”.
But at Westbrew we think there is great value in working with nature’s  larder. The fun comes from here together with amazing and unique flavors and aromas.
WestBrew makes an effort in the “foraging for great taste” and we are constantly trying to find interesting quality ingredients, such as locally grown malt barley, and flavours from the West Coast nature such as Myrica gale, sea buckthorn, juniper and infant shoots from conifers.
The goal is to give our beer as much local flavor and character as possible.

The fermentation process

In 1883 the Dane Emil Christian Hansen succeeded in isolating the yeast cell in beer production. He called it “Unterhefe I” or “Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis”.
Before then, nobody new what was happening  in the stock pot – but sometimes the results were good.
At WestBrew, we brew most top-fermented beer.


Under hovedgæringen dannes en del smags- og aromastoffer, der er uønskede i den færdige øl. Derfor lagres øllet efterfølgende et længere stykke tid.

WestBrew øl modnes ofte først på ståltanke, hvorefter en del af øllet fortsætter modningsprocessen på egetræsfade, der tidligere har været brugt til produktion af whisky, cognac, brandy eller vin.

Vi laver en del forsøg med modning af øllet, hvor der tilsættes forskellige frugt og bær for at frembringe spændende smage og dufte.
Der igangsættes også en ny gæringsproces, der giver den enkelte øl en endnu mere nuanceret smags- og duftoplevelse. 

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